How to use SlideShare to expand your reach?

Published on
January 10, 2023

75% of the sensory neurons in our brains process visual information.

We are all visual thinkers. In this new age of information abundance, when everyone is flooding the web with text-based content, visual content can help you set yourself apart from text-heavy content.

Why SlideShare?

When we think about social media, our list goes like this: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. If you are a social media fanatic, include Instagram, Pinterest, and Quora. However, no one talks about SlideShare.

According to LinkedIn, SlideShare receives approximately 70 million unique monthly visits and 120 million page views every month. This makes SlideShare the world’s largest professional content-sharing community, making your presence on it indispensable.

SlideShare is bound to significantly impact your online visibility, credibility, and business growth. It is something that you can’t afford to overlook.

Type of content

While it might seem from the name that we can only share presentations, SlideShare has evolved beyond that. Apart from uploading presentations, you can also do the following on SlideShare:

-      Add audio narration to slide decks

-      Load “tall” documents like reports and infographics

-      Upload HD video

-      Run live-streaming video presentations

-      Embed a real-time feed of your company blog

In the age of content marketing, SlideShare has quietly evolved as the most content-rich platform.

SlideShare best practices

a.    Include keywords: The description of the content you post on SlideShare can improve its searchability not only on SlideShare but also on Google. Hence, it is essential to include keyword-rich titles, descriptions, and tags.

b.   Simple and direct: You should keep your slides short and direct. You can aim for anywhere between 10-30 slides with no more than 24 words per slide.

c.    Design: SlideShare allows you to woo your audience visually. You should include images in your presentations to ensure readers engage with your content effectively.

d.   Embed: SlideShare provides you the capability to embed your SlideShare content in all your other digital touchpoints, i.e., in your blog, website, and social media accounts. This can enable you to build your authority with the same content across multiple platforms.


As we have already discussed, SlideShare is one of those platforms which offers exciting opportunities at a time when everyone is rushing to create content. There isn’t much competition, but it won’t last long.

You can start by posting your company decks and communicating your story. As you get comfortable with the platform, you can start answering your customers' questions through incredible visuals. This will help you establish yourself as an industry thought leader, enabling you to drive more leads to your business.

Ready to expand your reach with SlideShare? Discover how to leverage SlideShare effectively to reach a broader audience. Need help with your SlideShare strategy? Contact us to amplify your content reach.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to use SlideShare to expand your reach?

SlideShare is a platform for sharing presentations and other professional content. It can benefit your business by expanding your reach, increasing brand visibility, and driving traffic to your website.

How do I create an effective SlideShare presentation?

To create an effective SlideShare presentation, start by defining your goal, organizing your content logically, using engaging visuals, and including a clear call to action. Also, make sure your presentation is optimized for search engines.

What are some tips for promoting my SlideShare presentations?

To promote your SlideShare presentations, share them on social media, embed them in blog posts, and include them in email newsletters. You can also collaborate with influencers or other content creators to reach a wider audience.

Devanshi Jain

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