Top 11 Co-selling Trends and Predictions

Published on
November 13, 2023

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in this crowded marketplace? Do you experience challenges in reaching new customers? Well, the solution lies in collaboration and not in isolation. Co-selling is the strategic partnership between businesses to offer combined solutions.

Co-selling empowers businesses to tap into new markets, leverage complementary strengths, and drive growth through collaboration.  

The proportion of SaaS companies embracing co-selling has steeply risen since 2020. Almost 51% of sales representatives are co-selling with different partners in 2023.

What is the Significance of Co-selling Partnerships in B2B  

The future of co-selling in B2B is promising as it continues to evolve and adapt to the changing business landscape. It can foster collaboration, expand reach, and boost revenue, making it an essential strategy for companies aiming to thrive in today's competitive environment.

Unlock exponential growth through Collaboration and Synergy:

A co-selling strategy involves two or more companies partnering to sell each other's products or services. This collaboration enables businesses to leverage their complementary strengths and expertise to create value that surpasses what they could achieve individually.

Co-selling Synergy and collaboration

Companies can offer their customers more comprehensive and innovative solutions by working together, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction.

Reach new markets and customers by expanding reach with co-selling:

One of the primary drivers of co-selling's importance in B2B is its ability to expand a company's reach. Co-sell partners gain access to each other's existing customer base and network. This provides an efficient and cost-effective way to penetrate new markets, access untapped customer segments, and increase market share.

It's a win-win situation where both companies benefit from the expanded reach without requiring extensive marketing and sales efforts.

Increase Revenue Streams:

Co-selling relationships have a direct impact on revenue. When companies join forces and combine their offerings, they often create a more compelling value proposition. This increased value leads to higher conversion rates, more significant deals, and more revenue.

The ability to cross-sell products or services to the co-selling partner's customer base further bolsters this approach's revenue-generating potential.

How Tech Giants Have Revolutionized Co-selling

Co-selling partnerships with tech giants like Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform continually evolve to adapt to the changing business landscape. Here's a glimpse of recent developments in co-selling:

Microsoft's Co-selling Program:

Microsoft's co-selling program has seen significant growth, enabling its partners to access Microsoft's extensive customer base and resources. Microsoft has introduced advanced AI capabilities and analytics tools to help partners identify customer needs, leading to more personalized and effective co-selling strategies.

AWS Co-selling Initiatives:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has extended its co-selling initiatives to provide its partners comprehensive support. AWS partners now have access to AWS Partner Solutions Architects, who assist in designing and implementing solutions for customers.

This collaborative approach helps partners deliver high-quality services and expand their market reach. Here is a list of best practices to develop an AWS co-selling program.

Co-Selling - AWS

Source: AWS

GCP Co-selling Enhancements:

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) continues to enhance its co-selling capabilities, fostering tighter integration with its partners. GCP invests in advanced data analytics and AI-driven insights to identify co-selling opportunities, enabling partners to engage with customers more effectively and drive better outcomes.

The future of co-selling is shaped by several overarching trends and innovations that influence co-selling strategies across various industries. Let's explore some of these trends:

The Top 11 Co-selling Trends Shaping the B2B Partnerships

Technology Integration:

Advanced technology is at the forefront of co-selling trends. Businesses have started to use GenAI, machine learning, and data analytics to identify co-selling opportunities, personalize customer interactions, and optimize their sales processes. Co-sell partners have begun to leverage advanced technology to gain a significant competitive edge, identify new opportunities, and generate revenue in the dynamic marketplace.

Changing Buyer Behavior:

The rise of digital transformation and remote work has led to shifts in buyer behavior. B2B buyers increasingly seek seamless digital experiences, self-service options, and personalized solutions.

Co-sell partners are adapting their strategies to cater to these evolving preferences.

Industry-Specific Developments:

Different industries are witnessing unique co-selling trends. For example, in healthcare, co-selling focuses on interoperability and data sharing, while in manufacturing, it's about collaborative supply chain solutions.

Industry-specific successful co-selling developments are becoming more prevalent in addressing the specific needs of each sector.

Ecosystem Partnerships:

Co-selling is transitioning into broader ecosystem partnerships where multiple organizations collaborate to provide comprehensive end-to-end solutions. These ecosystems create seamless customer experiences, enhance value propositions, and drive business growth.

Discover how multiple organizations collaborate to deliver E2E solutions to their consumers, enhance value proposition, and drive business growth. Watch the video to learn about Microsoft Partner Ecosystem and how organizations like yours can promote seamless customer experiences and generate revenue.

Digital Transformation:  

Modern B2B buyers are more digitally savvy than ever before. They prefer online interactions and self-service options and expect a seamless digital experience. To adapt, co-selling partners must invest in user-friendly, intuitive online platforms.

These platforms should enable buyers to research, compare, and purchase products or services conveniently. A robust online presence is no longer a luxury but a necessity.  


Buyers now expect a highly personalized experience. They want co-sell partners to understand their needs and provide tailored solutions. To adapt, co-selling strategies should incorporate advanced analytics and AI-driven insights to identify customer preferences, anticipate requirements, and deliver personalized recommendations.

Personalization can significantly enhance the co-selling experience and increase customer satisfaction.  

Omnichannel Engagement:  

Modern B2B buyers engage with co-selling partners through multiple channels, including email, social media, chat, and phone. The co-selling partner ecosystem should ensure a consistent and coherent experience across all these channels.

Buyers should be able to transition seamlessly from one channel to another while receiving the same quality of service. An omnichannel approach is crucial for meeting buyers' expectations.  

Data-Driven Decision Making:  

Buyers now rely on data and analytics to make informed decisions. They expect partners to provide relevant data and insights to support their choices.

Partners must invest in data analysis tools and reporting capabilities to offer buyers the information they need to make well-informed decisions. This transparency builds trust and credibility with buyers.  

Value Beyond the Sale:  

Modern buyers are not just interested in the sale but seek value beyond the transaction. An effective co-selling process focuses on building long-term relationships by offering post-sale support, resources, and educational content.

Providing ongoing value and assistance can lead to customer loyalty and repeat business.  

Collaboration and Consultative Selling:  

Collaborative and consultative selling is increasingly essential to modern buyers. Such joint partnerships should work closely with customers to understand their pain points and offer solutions beyond product features.

Building trust through consultative selling ensures the co-selling partnership adds genuine value to the customer's business.  

Sustainable Practices:  

Many modern buyers are concerned about sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Partner co-selling should align their values and practices with these concerns.

Co-selling partners can attract environmentally and socially conscious buyers by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, responsible sourcing, and ethical practices.

Into the Future of Co-Selling: Uncovering Top 7 Predictions

As we look ahead, it's essential to anticipate the future of co-marketing and understand the potential changes, adaptations, and growth areas.

Technology-Driven Partnerships:

In the future, co-sell partnerships will increasingly leverage advanced technology to identify, engage, and retain customers. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics will be central in analyzing customer data, predicting buying behavior, and personalizing marketing and sales strategies.

These technologies will make the co-selling program more efficient and effective, resulting in higher conversion rates and revenue growth.

Integration with Ecosystems:

Co-selling is expected to extend beyond individual partnerships to become part of larger ecosystems. Businesses will collaborate within industry-specific ecosystems to offer comprehensive solutions that address customers' evolving needs.

These ecosystems will consist of multiple partners, including suppliers, distributors, and technology providers, ensuring customers can access a wide range of interconnected services.

Enhanced Buyer Experiences:

The future of co-selling will significantly emphasize enhancing the buyer experience. Co-selling partners will work together to create seamless, omnichannel customer journeys.

This includes providing self-service options, personalized recommendations, and on-demand support to meet the demands of modern B2B buyers.

Here's emphasizing why enhanced buyer experience can be a crucial differentiator.

Sustainability and CSR:

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are predicted to be more prominent in co-sell partnerships.

Businesses will increasingly align their values and practices to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. Co-selling partners prioritizing sustainability will enhance their brand reputation and attract customers conscious of environmental and ethical concerns.

Focus on Data Privacy:

As co-sell partnerships involve exchanging sensitive customer data, data privacy and security will be paramount.

The future of co-selling will require stringent measures to ensure the secure sharing of information and compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR. Trusted data-sharing platforms and encryption technologies will be essential components of co-selling.

Industry-Specific Tailoring:

Different industries will witness co-sell partnerships highly tailored to their specific needs. For example, in healthcare, co-selling may focus on interoperability and data sharing, while in manufacturing, it may center on collaborative supply chain solutions.

Industry-specific co-selling developments will address each sector's unique challenges and opportunities.

Global Expansion:

Co-sell opportunities and partnerships will continue to enable businesses to expand their global presence. Partnerships that cross borders and cultures will become more common, especially as the world becomes increasingly interconnected.

This global expansion will offer co-selling partners access to new markets and diverse customer bases.

Co-Selling Across Different Industries. It's not only for Tech Giants Anymore!  

Co-selling, the strategic practice of partnering with other businesses to sell each other's products or services, is poised to play a pivotal role in the future of B2B sales. However, the landscape of co-selling is not uniform across all industries. Each sector presents its unique challenges, opportunities, and trends.

Healthcare Industry:

In healthcare, co-sell partnerships often revolve around interoperability and data sharing. As digital transformation continues to reshape the industry, there's a growing need for healthcare providers to collaborate seamlessly. Various types of co-selling enable the development of integrated health information systems, telemedicine platforms, and data-sharing solutions.

For example, companies like Epic Systems and Cerner have formed strategic partnerships to improve interoperability in electronic health records (EHR) and share patient data securely.  

Manufacturing Industry:

Co-selling has significantly turned toward collaborative supply chain solutions in the manufacturing industry. As global supply chains become more complex, co-selling partnerships are being formed to create comprehensive supply chain management software optimized for efficiency, visibility, and resilience.

An example is the collaboration between IBM and Maersk, which resulted in the creation of TradeLens, a blockchain-based shipping and supply chain platform that offers transparency and real-time tracking for all participants in the supply chain.  

Technology Industry:

Rapid advancements influence co-selling trends in the technology industry in AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Companies often engage in strategic partnerships to combine their strengths in these areas.

For instance, the collaboration between Palo Alto Networks and Google Cloud focuses on enhancing security in the cloud and simplifying security operations. This partnership addresses the growing cybersecurity challenges associated with cloud adoption. Watch this video and understand how this innovative collaboration reshapes the cybersecurity landscape.

Financial Services Industry:

The financial services industry has witnessed co-selling partnerships aimed at offering more comprehensive and integrated financial solutions. These partnerships address the need for personalized services, advanced analytics, and digital-first experiences.

An example is the collaboration between J.P. Morgan and Amazon Web Services (AWS), where J.P. Morgan leverages AWS's cloud capabilities to enhance its infrastructure and provide better client services.

Retail and E-commerce Industry:

The co-sell model is evolving in the retail and e-commerce sector to meet the demands of omnichannel experiences and personalized shopping. Partnerships in this industry often focus on enhancing the customer journey through data analytics, AI-driven recommendations, and supply chain optimization.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Zalando, a leading European online fashion retailer, have joined forces to leverage AWS's machine learning capabilities for personalizing customer experiences.


The future of co-selling in the B2B landscape is promising and dynamic. As businesses recognize the potential for growth and collaboration, co-selling will continue to evolve. Companies embracing emerging trends, investing in technology, and fostering strong, strategic partnerships will be well-positioned to reap co-selling benefits.

Co-selling is essential for expanding market reach and creating value through synergy, efficiency, and innovation.

A dedicated marketing agency, HSV Digital, can help you get started with your co-selling needs as per the industry norms and requirements. Contact us to get started today.

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Jaspreet K. Lidder

About the Author

Experienced B2B Content Specialist with over 4 years of success in crafting compelling assets for channel and partner marketing. I possess a deep understanding of market dynamics, allowing me to create impactful narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. My experience has enabled me to translate complex data insights into engaging stories that inform, educate, and inspire action across various content formats. I excel at crafting narratives that showcase data trends, best practices, and innovations across channel and partner marketing.

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