5 Major Channel Marketing Challenges for IT firms

Published on
October 9, 2023

Channel marketing plays a crucial role in the success of IT firms, helping them reach a broader audience and achieve sustainable growth. It involves collaborating with intermediaries, such as distributors, resellers, and system integrators, to promote and sell products or services.

For instance, brands with effective multi-channel marketing have higher customer retention rates, 91% to be precise, compared to brands that don't delve into channel marketing.

While channel marketing offers numerous benefits, it presents a unique set of challenges for IT companies. In this blog, as we explore its importance for IT firms, we will delve into the significant channel marketing challenges they face in this dynamic landscape.

5 Major Channel Marketing Challenges IT Firms Can't Ignore.

Channel marketing remains a cornerstone of success for IT firms seeking to broaden their market presence and achieve sustainable growth. However, despite its advantages, it presents challenges that require careful planning, clear communication, and ongoing support.

Let's dive into hurdles, explore their underlying reasons, and uncover effective strategies to avoid them.

1. Lack of Channel Partner Alignment

The lack of alignment between IT firms and their channel partners can be a significant stumbling block in channel marketing success.

However, IT firms can foster stronger relationships with their channel partners by recognizing the importance of shared goals and strategies, identifying common misalignment issues, and implementing proactive strategies to improve alignment.

Why Shared Goals and Strategies Matter

Consistency and Coherence: In channel marketing, success hinges on delivering a consistent and coherent message to the end customers. When channel partners and IT firms share the same goals and strategies, they are more likely to communicate and act in alignment, resulting in a unified brand image and message.  

Efficient Resource Allocation: When channel partners and IT firms are aligned, resources like marketing budgets, promotions, and incentives can be allocated more efficiently. Everyone is working towards common objectives, which minimizes resource wastage.  

Customer Experience: Alignment between partners and IT firms ensures a seamless customer journey, contributing positively to the IT firm's brand reputation. Even the slightest misalignment may result in huge customer dissatisfaction, leading to significant challenges.

3 Common Reasons for Misalignment  

Differing Priorities: Channel partners may have different priorities and incentives from IT firms. For instance, they might prioritize products from multiple vendors or focus on short-term gains, while IT firms aim for long-term brand building and customer loyalty.  

Communication Gaps: Lack of effective communication between IT firms and channel partners can result in misalignment. Information gaps regarding product updates, marketing strategies, and customer insights can hinder effective collaboration.  

An excellent video below delves into three powerful communication techniques for boosting channel partner engagement. Let's watch and bridge the gap to enhance collaboration.


Competing Interests: Sometimes, partners may view IT firms as competitors in specific market segments or geographies, leading to conflicting interests. This can lead to hesitance in promoting IT firm products or even a reluctance to share customer data.

Strategies for Improving Alignment Between Channel Partners  

Clear and Shared Objectives: Start by establishing clear, shared objectives. Ensure that both IT firms and partners understand and buy into these goals. These objectives should align with the larger business strategy.  

Regular Communication: Foster open and regular communication channels. Hold meetings, webinars, or forums to discuss strategies, market updates, and performance metrics. Transparency is vital to reducing information gaps.  

Joint Planning and Collaboration: Collaborative planning is crucial. Encourage joint marketing initiatives and campaigns aligning with IT firm and partner goals. Co-op marketing funds can be used to incentivize joint efforts.  

Incentives and Rewards: Develop incentive programs that reward partners for meeting alignment goals. These incentives can be financial, such as bonuses or discounts, or non-financial, like exclusive training and support.  

Performance Metrics: Establish clear performance metrics and KPIs that both parties can track. This provides a common measurement of success and accountability, ensuring effective alignment efforts.  

Technology and Tools: Invest in technology solutions facilitating collaboration and data sharing. CRM systems, marketing automation tools, and partner portals can streamline communication and data exchange.

2. A Handful of Channel Conflicts

Channel conflicts are one of the significant challenges of channel marketing for IT firms.

By understanding the types of conflicts that can arise, recognizing their negative impacts, and implementing effective conflict resolution strategies, IT firms can maintain healthier partner relationships, enhance brand reputation, and achieve better overall business outcomes.

Types of channel conflicts

Types of Channel Conflicts  

Horizontal Conflict: Horizontal conflicts occur when channel partners at the same level (e.g., resellers or distributors) compete with each other in the same market or territory. This competition can lead to price wars, undermining the value of the IT firm's products or services.  

Vertical Conflict: Vertical conflicts occur between different levels of the distribution channel, such as between manufacturers (IT firms) and their channel partners. These conflicts often arise from pricing, product positioning, or territory allocation disputes.  

Intermediary Conflict: Intermediary conflicts arise when partners have disagreements or disputes with the IT firm. This can happen due to insufficient support, inconsistent policies, or perceived favoritism towards certain partners.  

Resource Conflict: Resource conflicts emerge when channel partners compete for limited resources from the IT firm, such as marketing support, co-op funds, or exclusive promotions. This competition can strain relationships and hinder cooperation.  

Navigating the Negative Impacts of Channel Conflicts  

Brand Erosion: Channel conflicts can lead to price undercutting and inconsistent messaging, causing confusion among customers. This can erode the brand image and reduce trust in the IT firm's products or services.  

Decreased Sales: Conflict within the distribution channel can result in reduced sales as channel partners may withhold or limit their efforts to avoid competing. This impacts revenue and market share.  

Damaged Relationships: Channel conflicts can strain relationships between IT firms and their partners, leading to dissatisfaction, resentment, and a breakdown in collaboration. This can hinder future cooperation and growth opportunities.  

Inefficient Resource Allocation: The IT firm may need to allocate additional resources to manage conflicts, including legal support or mediation services. This diverts resources that could otherwise be invested in business development.  

Conflict Resolution Strategies  

Clear Partner Agreements: Establish comprehensive agreements outlining all parties' roles, responsibilities, and expectations. These agreements should include dispute-resolution mechanisms.  

Channel Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with channel partners. Regular meetings and feedback sessions can help address issues before they escalate.  

Conflict Escalation Procedures: Develop a clear procedure for escalating conflicts when mediation fails. This may involve involving higher management or legal counsel.

Channel Partner Training: Educate channel partners on the importance of cooperation and the negative impacts of conflicts. Provide training on conflict resolution techniques.  

This is an excellent time to verify if your strategies and training resources are well-equipped. Go ahead and ask yourself,

  • Are you using accessible, modern training methods?
  • Are your training modules snackable, or do they require hours to complete?
  • How compelling is your training material?
  • Do you offer value-added events for partners?
  • How easy is it for your partners to get trained on your solution?

Resource Allocation: Allocate resources fairly and transparently based on agreed-upon criteria. Avoid favoritism to prevent resource conflicts.  

Technology Solutions: Implement technology solutions such as partner portals and CRM systems that facilitate communication, data sharing, and performance tracking.

3. Obstacles in Choosing the Right Channel Partners

Choosing the right channel partners is pivotal in partner marketing. It influences the success, efficiency, and longevity of the partnership.

IT firms can build robust and mutually beneficial relationships with their channel partners by recognizing the importance of partner selection, avoiding common mistakes, and adhering to best practices.

The Importance of Partner Selection  

Alignment with Objectives: Selecting the right channel partner ensures their goals align with the IT firm's goals. Working cohesively toward mutual success becomes easier when partners share a common vision and commitment.  

Expertise and Reach: Channel partners often possess industry-specific knowledge and established customer networks. Choosing partners with relevant expertise and extensive reach can give IT firms a competitive advantage.  

Market Insights: Well-chosen channel partners offer valuable insights into market trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes. These insights enable IT firms to make informed decisions and adapt to market changes.  

Resource Efficiency: Partnering with the right channels allows IT firms to maximize resource efficiency. It reduces the need to spread resources thinly among multiple partners, ensuring focused efforts for better results.  

3 Pitfalls IT Firms Should Avoid While Selecting Partners  

Lack of Alignment with Organizational Values and Goals:

One of the fundamental challenges in partner selection is ensuring alignment between the IT firm's and potential partner's values and goals.

When there is a misalignment in these areas, it can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings and ultimately hinder the partnership's success.

Partner Competence and Expertise:

The competence and expertise of channel partners are crucial factors that directly impact the effectiveness of partner marketing efforts.

Selecting partners who lack the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience can result in subpar performance and an inability to meet customer expectations.

Geographical Considerations:

Geography plays a significant role in partner selection, particularly in the IT sector, where markets can vary significantly by region.

Challenges can arise when choosing partners in areas with different market dynamics, cultural norms, and regulatory environments.  

Best Practices for Partner Evaluation and Selection  

Define Clear Criteria: Establish specific criteria that align with your business goals, such as market reach, expertise, financial stability, and cultural compatibility. Use these criteria as a guide during partner evaluation.  

Conduct Due Diligence: Thoroughly research potential partners. Review their financial statements, past performance, customer references, and industry reputation. Identify any red flags early in the process.  

Cultural Assessment: Evaluate the cultural compatibility between your IT firm and potential partners. Shared values, work ethics, and communication styles can significantly impact the partnership's success.  

Alignment with Objectives: Ensure the partner's goals align with your IT firm's objectives. Discuss mutual expectations and assess whether there is a shared vision for the partnership.  

Market Analysis: Analyze the partner's market presence and customer base. Determine if they have the necessary reach to target your desired customer segments effectively.  

Collaborative Potential: Assess the partner's willingness and capacity for collaboration. Partners should be open to joint marketing efforts, training, and regular communication.  

Performance Metrics: Establish clear performance metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your partnership. These metrics should reflect the goals you want to achieve through the collaboration.

4. Declining Partner Performance

Partner performance plays a pivotal role in IT firms' partner marketing success. Channel partners serve as intermediaries between the company and the end customers, making their performance directly impact the firm's revenue, brand reputation, and market presence. Effective partner performance can lead to increased sales, customer satisfaction, and market penetration, while poor performance can result in lost opportunities and damage the company's reputation.  

Reasons for Declining Partner Performance:  

Market Changes:  

The IT industry is known for its rapid evolution, constantly changing technologies, trends, and customer preferences.

Channel partners may struggle to keep up with these changes, leading to a decline in performance as they fail to align their strategies with the evolving market landscape.

Increasing Competition:

In the highly competitive IT sector, channel partners may face intense competition from other firms offering similar products or services.

This heightened competition can pressure partner performance as they strive to differentiate themselves and maintain their market share.

Product or Service Quality Issues:

Quality issues with the IT firm's products or services can directly impact partner performance.

If customers experience problems or dissatisfaction with the products, channel partners may face challenges in effectively marketing and selling them.

Approaches to Reviving Partner Performance:  

Building strong relationships with your channel partners

Training and Development Programs:  

IT firms can implement comprehensive training and development programs for their channel partners to address performance gaps resulting from market changes or a lack of expertise.

These programs should provide partners with the knowledge and skills to navigate industry shifts and excel in their roles.

Incentives and Rewards:

Motivating channel partners through incentives and rewards can be an effective strategy to boost performance.

Rewarding partners for achieving specific targets, such as sales quotas or customer satisfaction goals, can encourage them to excel and remain committed to the partnership.

Performance Monitoring and Feedback:  

Regularly monitoring partner performance and providing constructive feedback is essential for improvement.

By identifying areas where partners may be underperforming and offering guidance and support, IT firms can help partners address issues proactively.

5. Challenges in Integrating Data and Tracking Results:

IT firms experience significant challenges while integrating data and tracking joint marketing results. By implementing unified data platforms, standardizing metrics, leveraging marketing automation, and adopting multi-touch attribution models, IT firms can overcome these challenges and harness the full potential of their partner marketing strategies.

What are the Obstacles in Integrating Data and Tracking Results:  

Impact of Joint Marketing:

Joint marketing efforts, where IT firms collaborate with channel partners to promote their offerings, are a cornerstone of channel marketing success. However, integrating data from these joint marketing initiatives can be challenging.

Data Silos: IT firms and their channel partners may maintain separate databases and systems, resulting in data silos. This fragmentation of data can hinder effective collaboration and decision-making.

Inconsistent Metrics: Different partners may use varying metrics and KPIs to measure the success of joint marketing campaigns. This inconsistency makes it challenging to evaluate these efforts' overall impact accurately.

Limited Visibility: IT firms may lack visibility into the performance of their marketing materials once they are shared with partners. This makes it difficult to track how effectively these assets are being used and their impact on lead generation and sales.  

Tracking Overall Performance:

Effectively tracking and measuring the performance of channel marketing efforts is crucial for IT firms to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies.

Attribution Challenges: Determining which marketing activities contribute to lead generation and conversions can be complex, especially when multiple partners are involved in the sales process.

Comprehensive Reporting: IT firms often struggle to consolidate data from various sources and partners into comprehensive reports that provide a holistic view of their channel marketing performance.

Strategies to Address Data Integration and Tracking Challenges:  

Unified Data Platforms: Implement unified data platforms that allow IT firms and their partners to centralize and share data. Cloud-based solutions and customer relationship management (CRM) systems can help.  

Standardized Metrics: Establish standardized metrics and KPIs for joint marketing efforts. Ensure that partners use these metrics to measure campaign success, facilitating better alignment and reporting.  

Marketing Automation: Invest in marketing automation tools that enable IT firms to track the dissemination and engagement with marketing materials provided to partners. This data can be valuable for assessing asset effectiveness.  

Multi-Touch Attribution Models: Implement multi-touch attribution models considering various touchpoints along the customer journey. These models provide a more accurate assessment of marketing campaign performance.

Here is a demo representation of a position-based B2B attribution model.

5 Strategies for Overcoming Channel Marketing Challenges  

To overcome the inherent challenges, IT firms should focus on creating well-defined channel partner engagement plans, developing clear policies and agreements, providing continuous training and education, leveraging data analytics and CRM tools, and regularly reviewing and adjusting their channel strategy.  

Creating a Channel Partner Engagement Plan  

Define Clear Objectives: Start by clearly defining your channel marketing objectives. What do you want to achieve through your channel partners? This could be expanding into new markets, increasing market share, or launching new products.  

Segmentation: Segment your channel partners based on their capabilities, strengths, and market reach. This helps you tailor your engagement strategies to suit the specific needs of each partner category.  

Communication: Establish effective communication channels with your channel partners. Regular updates, newsletters, webinars, and one-on-one meetings are essential for keeping partners informed and engaged.  

Joint Planning: Collaborate with your channel partners to develop joint marketing and sales plans. Align your goals and strategies to ensure a unified approach in the market.  

Developing Clear Channel Policies and Agreements  

Documentation: Create comprehensive channel policies and agreements that clearly outline both parties' roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Ensure legal and compliance issues are addressed.  

Conflict Resolution: Include conflict resolution mechanisms within these agreements to swiftly address disputes and prevent them from escalating.  

Pricing and Discount Structures: Define pricing and discount structures to avoid misunderstandings and price wars among channel partners. Ensure that these structures are consistent and fair.  

Performance Metrics: Specify key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that will be used to evaluate partner performance. This creates transparency and accountability.  

Continuous Training and Education for Channel Partners  

Product Training: Provide product training to channel partners to ensure they deeply understand your offerings. This empowers them to communicate product value to customers effectively.  

Sales and Marketing Support: Offer ongoing sales and marketing support, including access to marketing materials, co-op funds, and promotional campaigns. This enables partners to market your products effectively.  

Technology Training: Training on technology tools and platforms is crucial in the digital age. Ensure channel partners use CRM systems and analytics tools for data-driven decision-making.  

Leveraging Data Analytics and CRM Tools  

Data Collection: Implement data collection mechanisms to gather insights on customer behavior, market trends, and partner performance. CRM systems can be invaluable for this purpose.  

Data Analysis: Leverage data analytics tools to analyze the collected data. Identify patterns, preferences, and opportunities that can inform your marketing strategies and product development.  

Personalization: Use the insights gained from data analytics to personalize marketing efforts. Tailor content, offers, and recommendations to individual customers or partner segments for maximum impact.  

Regularly Review and Adjust Channel Strategy  

Performance Reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews of your channel partners. Assess their achievements against KPIs and provide constructive feedback.

Market Analysis: Monitor market dynamics, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes continuously. Be prepared to adjust your channel strategy to stay ahead of industry trends.

Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops with your channel partners. Encourage them to provide insights and suggestions for improving your channel marketing approach.

Summing Up

IT firms can't ignore channel marketing if they seek growth opportunities, conquer new markets, and dominate. However, challenges like partner misalignment, conflicts, and selecting the right partners can turn the successful strategy into a tangled mess.

By recognizing these challenges and implementing effective strategies, IT firms can build stronger, more productive channel relationships and achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

A dedicated marketing agency like HSV Digital can help your business overcome these hurdles and obstacles of Channel Marketing efficiently. Contact us today and get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do channel conflicts impact the marketing efforts of IT firms?

Channel conflicts can arise when different channels compete for the same customers, leading to confusion and inefficiencies in marketing efforts.

How can IT firms measure the ROI of their channel marketing efforts?

IT firms can measure ROI by tracking key performance indicators such as sales revenue, customer acquisition cost, and partner satisfaction levels, and comparing them to the costs of their marketing activities.

What strategies can IT firms use to enable their channel partners for better marketing performance?

T firms can enable their channel partners by providing training, marketing materials, and sales support, as well as fostering collaboration and communication between partners.

Jaspreet K. Lidder

About the Author

Experienced B2B Content Specialist with over 4 years of success in crafting compelling assets for channel and partner marketing. I possess a deep understanding of market dynamics, allowing me to create impactful narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. My experience has enabled me to translate complex data insights into engaging stories that inform, educate, and inspire action across various content formats. I excel at crafting narratives that showcase data trends, best practices, and innovations across channel and partner marketing.

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